Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Seghf free essay sample

His parents were Franklin and Beach Folder. Franklin was the child out of 17 siblings. 7 of his brothers and sisters were from his fathers first marriage. He and his 9 other brothers and sisters were the children of , who married after the death of his former wife, Jane White. During his early life, Franklin only attended school for two years and did not graduate.This was because his father was financially unstable and could not afford It. At around the age of 17, he ran away to Philadelphia for a fresh start. He worked In several printing shops while he was there, before meeting Deborah Reed. He proposed to Deborah at age 17, and was denied the offer to marry him. It was In 1730, when Deborah and Benjamin got married, and had two children, Sarah and Francis Franklin. Benjamin Franklin achieved many great things In his life.He was an extremely talented man; he was an author, a printer, a scientist, an Inventor, a and did many other things. We will write a custom essay sample on Seghf or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Franklin formed the first ever public lending library. He also formed the first fire department. What Benjamin Franklin is most famously known for is his kite experiment. This experiment was supposedly conducted on the of June 1752 in Philadelphia. It is not proven that this experiment was done, but if it supposedly was, he successfully extracted sparks from a cloud.

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